Daddy Pig's Allotment

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Picture the scene...

Here are a few photographs of the plot as it was on Sunday morning...

1. the shed, and the compost bins;

2. a couple of nice marrows (oo-er missus...);

3. runner beans aplenty;

4. a rather green-tinted view, with the flowering coriander in the foreground (plenty of seeds to collect in due course)

5..sunflowers - Russian Giant - have done really well, as have the nasturtiums in front of them...

I came away with a carrier load of runners, the last (I guess) of the french beans, the first lot of pak choi, some massively over-sized spring onions (which I'd overlooked - they were a bit tough, but ended up in a curry and ate well), and some beetroot.

[Automotive aside: The Corsa's not mine: it's a courtesy car, since some clown chose to run into the back of the trusty Kangoo last week (no-one hurt, thank goodness). Kangoos must be the no.1 allotmenteer car - there are 3 others on the site! Loads of room in the back for moving wood and other hardware around, and generally fairly good mpg etc so green-ish. I suppose they've replaced the old Renault 4s as the 'polytechnic lecturer-mobile' of the 21st century...]


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