Sunny Sunday morning
Popped up to the plot this morning, in bright warm sunshine. Just there to pick up my wheelbarrow, so I could shift the loads of compost I'd bought and delivered to home. Carrying them up the side path did not appeal - so the barrow was called for.
While I was at the plot I had a look around, and generally things are not looking too bad. A few of the leeks are starting to go to seed (the warm weather I guess), but the new season onions and garlic look healthy, and the winter salads are still OK (out from their cloches now).
Back at home I spent some time in the greenhouse sowing butternut squash, green beans, marrows, tomatoes - and potting on some tomatoes, aubergines, chillies and red peppers I bought yesterday. I also picked up a couple of rhubarbs this morning - which need to go in at the allotment next time I am there. There'll be (if all goes to plan) plenty of stuff to plant out at the allotment in a few weeks.
Otherwise spent much of the time in the garden at home - tidying, trying to sort the lawn out a bit, potting up the solanums for the deck - all jobs that needed doing.
Here's hoping for the decent weather to continue for a while, so I can get the allotment up and running properly for the season.